Saturday, January 30, 2021

Explore your Business Strategies with ONPASSIVE

ONPASSIVE is a product based company that is headquartered in Florida, USA. It has a large pool of founders who have joined this growing business on a global level. With connection all across the world ONPASSIVE provides the right ecosystem for any business to profit from its association.

ONPASSIVE functions on a multi-level- marketing business plan that allows the people who join to start earning a passive income that keeps growing as the business is joined by other interested members.

But here is the catch. ONPASSIVRE does not just sell any product. ONPASSIVE is a product based company that is currently working develop0ing a whole treasure trove of AI enabled pool of applications that is set to revolutionize the way that a business can be run.

With the current business strategies that ONPASSIVE has to offer the members who have joined will be able to take advantage of the highly sophisticated AI enabled products that will help them to take their business to the next level.

How ONPASSIVE is growing

ONPASSIVE thrives on the aggressive marketing strategies that the active members have to grow to a larger business than what the world has seen to date. Mr. Ash Mufareh the CEO of the company has a very futuristic view of the business and intends to make it a Unicorn business in a short time.

The company was initiated in 2018 and in the two years that it has had the company has grown to over 400K members. This shows the marketing capability of the company which adds to the credibility that it is garnering the attention and faith of so many people.

Needless to say that there is a lot of skepticism in the market with regards to the legitimacy of the company. AT present ONPASSIVE has a huge number of founder members that is growing a daily basis. But added to this is a well establish Development team that is working on developing a wide range of AI enabled tools. With an all-encompassing Automated Digital marketing platform ONPASSIVE has a great potential to make every business venture a success. With the intricate layer of automation and business plan that it implements it can be said that ONPASSIVE can take any company that is associated with it to new heights on a global level.

The new pool of applications that it is developing is targeted at help enterprises with suite applications as an answer to the smooth and automated functioning of all its verticals. The automation that it offers and the ease of integration that it promises these tools can bring about a whole new generation of business that will thrive on the unified platform that enhances performance and productivity at a never before rate.


ONPASSIVE is not just concentrating on small and medium based companies. The applicability of its products can benefit any business from big to large and small to a medium sized company. Apart from this one of the best offers that ONPASSIVE offers is the support system that it offers to new startups. The business plan for startups can go a long way in giving a new start up the initial push that it needs to establish itself in the market.

The existence of well researched applications that can be utilized for its functioning to a valuable pool of founder members all across the world ONPASSIVE can give just the right exposure that a business requires in its initial stages. The competitive automated digital marketing platform that ONPASSIVE has can give the visibility that a new brand requires to reach the right customer base. This can go a long way in saving the initial struggle that a startup faces in arranging the funds to support the operation and management of a new company.

Even if you were not someone who is looking to start a business you can still be part of a very successful venture and start getting monetary benefits by being a part of the MLM strategy. Your earnings will keep trickling in and as the company grows the profit level will also grow securing your future financially.


Speculations will remain in the market with a new start up that is capturing so much of attention and a sudden growth that is unparalleled with the various industries that have come about. Perhaps this is the first time that a new company was able to get the support and faith in such a short span of time. While the company is working hard to bring its products to the market there is a lot of back lash in the various online channels that doubts the legitimacy of the company. This is normal for any company to face as the competition increases with every passing day.

What ONPASSIVE offers is new in the market and it will take time for everyone to understand how it functions. It comes with multiple business strategies that can be beneficial for various company types to find and establish their space in the market and also individual members as well.

Friday, January 29, 2021

ONPASSIVE and the Journey to an AI Enabled World

ONPASSIVE is a name that has been in the market for some time now marred with a lot of skepticism and of course a lot of buzz about what it has to offers. We are yet to see where the company goes and how it performs with its promised products powered by Artificial Intelligence Technology, that are yet to hit the market, but is preparing for a launch soon.

With its headquarters in USA, ONPASSIVE garnered a lot of attention with the business plan that it offered. Accumulating a massive number of founders, at this point ONPASSIVE boasts of over 400K founder members, the list of which is only growing with every passing day.

Though there has been some delay in launch of the products there is a lot of excitement about the various products that is to hit the market this coming year. ONPASSIVE aims to introduce a suite of software applications that are powered by AI bringing in a technological edge to the products that exist in the market at this time.

Next Gen Applications

AI as we know can give the agility to software giving a whole new experience at the interface. This can help create a whole new league of next gen applications that can bring about a change to the market expectations and of course start a new revolution of hi-tech application that will redefine functionality.

With a new set of applications that has a whole new level of functionality ONPASSIVE and the businesses that are associated with it can lead the AI era as it gets integrated to most of the applications that are needed to function any business in every facet.

Needless to say that there are a whole lot of products in the market that has been integrated with AI functionality but not all have been successful in giving a malleable product that could suffice the needs of all enterprises. If the market is to be captured with an agile product what we need is a very malleable product that can be moulded to the need of every enterprise.

We need a product now in the market that is highly customizable that can be adjusted easily as per the needs of the enterprise whether large or small. If that is possible then there is a good chance that such a product will capture the market at a go.  Many of the startups that we see coming into the market can benefit highly from adopting an AI enabled enterprise suite. This would help them enhance their productivity with the least effort.

Automation is the need of the hour

ONPASSIVE has come into the market with the products at a very crucial time when the global economy is reeling with the effects of the pandemic that rocked every country impacting business in every industry. It is the time when every business understands the cost of every resource and how important it is to get the maximum value output from each resource.

It is the time when every industry is looking at becoming highly cost effective. Automation is the need of the hour. With AI enabled enterprise applications businesses are set to get a lot of advantages from adopting these high functionality products. With the multiple features that these applications will have there is a greater possibility that companies will be able to reduce the manpower that is needed for a single work and help to concentrate on adding value to the final output.

AI is being actively integrated to the financial and healthcare sector and there is a good chance that with a more improved system we will see much more advancements in the coming days. Technology in itself is very dynamic but with the changing landscape of the market we can expect a lot more changes than we had seen in the past few years after AI was introduced.

5G and the shift in tech

As the world is bracing 5G services we are waiting for it implications in our everyday lives as IOT becomes the way of life. The market is strategically poised to accept the changes and bring the technological variation that is to take it to the next level.

The current market is very suitable for a startup to flourish especially one that is offering numerous agile technology. ONPASSIVE AI initiative can very well be etching a new trend in the market which can be redefining the various software applications in the market.

ONPASSIVE is creating a niche in the tech market that will allow the company to nurture emerging startups that will bring a very effective change to the existing ecosystem. The journey to AI enabled world has started and we are in the midst of a technological resurgence.

What ONPASSIVE is offering is not just a suite of AI products. It is offering us with the inception of an idea that can restructure our lives both at work and at home. We need to open our minds from the confines of traditional work methods and move with the time to embrace more effective application that will help to automate numerous tasks and provide us the platform to innovate more products.


Though it is rather early to say that this company will definitely leave a mark in the horizon but it is definitely worth appreciating the robust effort it is putting on and the attempt to overhaul the entire tech market. It has garnered the interest of various industry honchos and have support of numerous investors and founder support that can very well be the fundamental support any industry might need to gain a foothold in the market.

There is a lot to watch out for this company as it starts implementing its futuristic plans and developing products that will mark the start of a new generation of deep tech performance. As of now ONPASSIVE is aiming to develop enterprise application which with time will evolve as the market and the tech trends vary.